The human being is in permanent learning conditioned by its relation with the surrounding context; this implies that the daily aspects that occur in society affects the subject and as a response to these demands of the environment, change. Pichon Rivière calls it an active adaptation to reality and has to do with the attitude of learning and apprehending. In Colombia, one of the world’s countries with a higher index of households headed by women, the women assume a new role that reveals their intellectual and emotional capacity for adaptation. An active adaptation to reality that reveals how these women are open to change and adopt change as a way out.
The Inner Map takes as focus of study different women who freely have decided to lead their family and proposes an approach to this social reality from a psychological perspective following the Pichonian theory that when the context is modified it transfers these changes to the subject installing in their psyche. It presents an intimate look and proposes a visual representation of the affective dimension of this phenomenon.
The project proposes a trip through the universes of these mothers, a collection of visual data that constructs an emotional mapping. Images inspired by their own experiences and buildt from encounters with them, doing together an archeology of their stories. Photographs constructed from an emotional and symbolic point of view that feed the imaginary of the viewers allowing them to trace their own way through this social scene.