Winner project of the Grant for Independent Editorial Projects IDARTES 2020-Colombia
First publication of Simulacro Ediciones
Flor de Roca proposes an exercise in the search for (the life around) emeralds, tracing a journey through the
mystery that surrounds the stone, focusing on the guaquería as a mining practice on the way to extinction.
The passing of the pages symbolizes the earth movement carried out by the guaqueros in search of emeralds.
It is a book that allows the readers to trace that piece of land through the use of intonso, and find the images
that would lead them on a journey.

Flor de Roca
Designer: Laura Oliveros
Editor: Walter Costa
Format: 22 x 16,5 cm hard cover.
Intonso book of 75 intonso pages, 140 open pages.
Intonso pages 100% black
Open pages with images that are discovered by breaking the black pages.
Price: 30 Euros + shipping costs
If you want to buy the book send us an email to: simulacroediciones@gmail.com
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